Category: Lighting

ZEEBO - Design: Setsu&Shinobu Ito

Zeebo is a cordless lamp made of precious thermoplastic material (PC), in three metallic finishes. A pure formal elegance that brings us to far worlds, an elegant presence that tells the magic of oriental atmospheres.


ZEEBO racconta le atmosfere orientali, magistralmente interpretata da Setsu & Shinobu Ito. Mistero, astrazione e perfezione, una presenza elegante e plastica che sussurra magia. Una eleganza formale pura che ci porta in mondi lontani.

È una lampada realizzata in materiale termoplastico pregiato (PC) con finiture metallizzate in tre varianti colore (oro, cromo e grigio antracite). All’interno è stato aggiunto un peso per rendere più stabile la lampada ed aumentarne il suo valore percepito, alla base è stato aggiunto una superficie in EVA per evitare il danneggiamento del piano dove la si metta e che restituisca un buon suono quando la si appoggi. Si accende con un interruttore touch (a sfioramento), che consente anche di modulare l’intensità luminosa dal 100% al 5% in modalità continua. Al massimo dell’intensità, la lampada rimane accesa per circa 9 ore. La stessa lampada ha un effetto memoria, che fa sì che si riaccenda con l’intensità luminosa dell’ultima impostazione lasciata. Si ricarica togliendo il corpo illuminante superiore e appoggiandolo sulla sua base di ricarica. Una ricarica completa dura circa 5 ore. Un IP 63 ne consente l’utilizzo sia all’interno che all’esterno. Le sue dimensioni sono Ø14 x h 35 cm, con un peso di 570 g. La lampada viene fornita in un sacchetto nero (che ne permette il suo trasporto), all’interno di un elegante e prezioso astuccio cilindrico.

Salone del mobile Salone del mobile
Designed by
Setsu&Shinobu Ito

Zeebo is a cordless lamp that tells us about the oriental atmospheres, masterfully played by Setsu & Shinobu Ito. Mystery, abstraction and perfection, an elegant and plastic presence that whispers magic. A pure formal elegance that takes us to far worlds.

It is made of precious thermoplastic material (PC) with metallic finishes in three color variants (gold, chrome and anthracite gray). A weight has been added inside to make the lamp more stable and increase its perceived value; at the base a surface in EVA has been added to avoid damage to the top where you put it and which gives a good sound when you put it on the table. It lights up with a touch switch (touching), which also allows modulating the light intensity from 100% to 5% in continuous mode. At the maximum intensity, the lamp remains on for about 9 hours. The same lamp has a memory effect, which makes it rekindle with the light intensity of the last approach left. It recharges by removing the upper lighting body and placing it on its charging base. A complete recharge lasts about 5 hours. An IP 63 allows its use both inside and outside. Its dimensions are Ø14 x H 35 cm, with a weight of 570 g. The lamp is supplied in a black TNT bag (which allows its transport), inside an elegant and precious cylindrical gift box.

"Circles, ellipses, natural stones, futuristic buildings and planets, the circular shape without corners transcends the barriers of nationality and race, materials and dimensions, is inclusiveness, it brings us common kindness and good feelings.
So it is ZEEBO, a table lamp that contains the light inside.
This futuristic light, which seems to be part of nature, is the image of a light sphere that emerges from the surface. "(Setsu & Shinobu Ito)
Blackout - STEM



STEM is a painted aluminum rechargeable cordless lamp, in three color variants, usable both inside and outside.

PIN UP - Design: Spalvieri & Del Ciotto



PIN UP tells our world of Fashion POP, made of elegance and lightness, precious in materials, finishes and reflections.

PIN - Design: Spalvieri & Del Ciotto



PIN is a rechargeable cordless lamp that tells our POP world, young and easy, which says of a world made of friendships and shares, of loveliness and positivity.

FLAAT - Design: Marcantonio



FLAAT is a rechargeable cordless lamp that tells our essential and pure, elegant and refined world. The eloquence and purity of geometry, because, basically, beauty is a question of essence...