Aggiungi ai preferiti Casual Home & Contract Cross The Cross collection is a family of chair, armchair and 2- and 3-seater sofa that fits perfectly into any environment, its upholstered shell with padded backrest and seat allows any combination fo
Aggiungi ai preferiti Casual Home & Contract Cross The Cross collection is a family of chair, armchair and 2- and 3-seater sofa that fits perfectly into any environment, its upholstered shell with padded backrest and seat allows any combination fo
Aggiungi ai preferiti Casual Home & Contract Cross The Cross collection is a family of chair, armchair and 2- and 3-seater sofa that fits perfectly into any environment, its upholstered shell with padded backrest and seat allows any combination fo
Aggiungi ai preferiti Casual Home & Contract Ares This chair has a special freshness thanks to its floating wooden shell with upholstered seat and backrest, achieving a perfect balance between comfort and aesthetics.
Aggiungi ai preferiti Casual Home & Contract Sheep A comfortable design with curved and enveloping lines that invites you to rest.
Aggiungi ai preferiti Casual Home & Contract Vee This chair is a clear example of how a job well done becomes a work of art.
Aggiungi ai preferiti Casual Home & Contract Koko Big Fun and comfortable design thanks to its enveloping backrest and the possibility of playing with different fabrics on the inside of it.
Aggiungi ai preferiti Daft about Draft FABLINE-01 Una sedia da pranzo pronta ad adornare il tuo tavolo
Aggiungi ai preferiti Target Point New Sgabelli Fissi o regolabili, scopri gli sgabelli di design Target Point.
Aggiungi ai preferiti Target Point New Sedie In salotto, in soggiorno o in cucina, stupisci con le tue sedie Target Point!
Aggiungi ai preferiti Billiani EDELWEISS La collezione di sedie, sgabelli e lounge Edelweiss nasce dalla volontà di Philippe Bestenheider di confrontarsi con la materia legno.
Aggiungi ai preferiti Livoni Since 1895 DUNA Duna è caratterizzata da un grande rispetto per la tradizione e per l’artigianalità riportati in chiave moderna: la scocca e la struttura in rovere donano leggerezza, bilanciamento e un tocco aereo