Guide to the International Bathroom Exhibition 2024: previewing Pavilions 6 and 10

Ph. Delfino Sisto Legnani
Previews of the exhibition devoted to the bathroom world in the round – new departures, trends and ideas in the name of relaxation and wellbeing
Bathrooms are in constant evolution. The space devoted to wellbeing and relaxation par excellence is becoming more and more versatile, marrying new functions and integrating technological components capable of improving quality of life. Materials research takes in wood and steel, by way of glass, natural stone and much more besides at the 2024 International Bathroom Exhibition in Pavilions 6 and 10 from 16th to 21st April.
Sustainability is increasingly to the fore in innovative solutions, with regard to both form and function, making for greater water saving, geared to cutting consumption, which goes hand-in-hand with lower environmental impact. The ongoing research being done by the sectoral companies translates into technological proposals that enable water flow to be optimised, without sacrificing ease of use and good looks.
Pavilions 6 and 10 will be hosting companies such as Fratelli Fantini, Roca, Laufen, Vismaravetro, Tubes Radiatori, Ceramica Cielo, Kohler and Novello, amongst others.
The themes of environmental awareness and responsibility will form the heart of a special project curated by a design studio data visualisation expert, with input from a multidisciplinary design studio and an Italian artist. It will focus on each stage of the value chain, from production processes to resource efficiency, by way of the implementation of innovative consumption monitoring devices to good individual practices. In this context, sustainability doesn’t just represent a goal but a constantly evolving gradual path, involving many steps that enable its development to be gauged.