AD - Architectural Digest
Sofa bed in a cozy room

Architectural Digest questions the past, present and future of the guest room, tracing the causes and the possible consequences in the domestic layout of this change in contemporary homes

AD cover
Architectural Digest questions the past, present and future of the guest room, tracing the causes and the possible consequences in the domestic layout of this change in contemporary homes

“In lieu of a guest room, I’ve slept on air mattresses, sofas, sofa beds, and in other people’s beds—even on someone’s floor once, but we don’t talk about that! Adventurous? Not quite: I’ve simply been an occasional guest at friends’ places through the years. And while hospitality is never absent, the possibility of being offered to stay in that temporary room of one’s own, a guest room, seems as luxurious as it is improbable. It belongs in a category of aspirational interior design elements where I’d also place the idea of a pantry or a teacup set.” - read here the full article.


Magazine: AD- Architectural Digest 

Country: USA 

Date: 23rd September 2022  

Article: How Millennials Killed the Guest Room 

Author: Andrea Servert Alonso-Misol 

Photo: Oslo sofa bed by Clei 

28 October 2022