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Bacterial cellulose, a new material explored by Gazeta do Povo

Bacterial cellulose, a new material explored by Gazeta do Povo

Brazil’s Gazeta do Povo newspaper chats to the Intervém Design studio to find out how bacterial cellulose can change the way we design surfaces and accessories. “Alternative materials, made from natural raw materials, and the bet on multifunctionality. These are the main characteristics of the gift packaging created by the Intervém Design studio, based in Curitiba, at the request of one of the largest companies of corporate bags and backpacks in Paraná, Danka. The pieces are made with bacterial cellulose biofilm, produced by colonies of bacteria (like kombucha scoby, for example) and subsequently dehydrated. The biofilm is made based on coffee, sugar and water’" says the designer…(continue reading)

Magazine: Gazeta do Povo | Haus

Country: Brazil

Article: “Designers create gift packaging with bacterial cellulose that turns into bags and cachepots”

Author: Sharon Abdalla

Photo: Divulgação/Intervém Design, Courtesy Gazeta do Povo

27 January 2022