
Class 2022, Visi magazine on South Africa’s future generation of designers

Class 2022, Visi magazine on South Africa’s future generation of designers

Since 2005 the Design Indaba has been developing a platform for young and struggling creatives in South Africa. VISI magazine writes about Class 2022 of the Design Indaba Emerging Creatives programme which provides support, education and mentoring for South Africa's future designers. “Supported by the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, the programme is one of the country’s longest-running emerging talent support structures – one that provides South Africa’s future generation of designers with a platform, support, education and mentorship. Ultimately, the goal is to hone talent and provide participants with strategies to take their work not only to the next level but to market as well.”(full article)

Magazine: VISI

Country: South Africa

Article: "Design Indaba’s emerging creative class of 2022"

Author: Cheri Morris

21 March 2022