Steven Holl and Toshiko Mori

Domus announces the names of the guest editors of 2023, two famous New York authors who have made, and continue to make, the history of contemporary architecture, presented in the editorial by Walter Mariotti - and to whom we wish a fantastic year of work

Domus 1074
Domus announces the names of the guest editors of 2023, two famous New York authors who have made, and continue to make, the history of contemporary architecture, presented in the editorial by Walter Mariotti - and to whom we wish a fantastic year of work

“Before being vertical knowledge, architecture and design create horizontal connections within society, between nature and human beings, between values and behavior, connections that, if they have value, remain over time. Partly because we are all extremely fragile beings living on an extremely fragile planet where everything has been connected since long before globalization and the digital age. This is why I believe architects, designers and the cognitive ecosystem that supports them are on the front line serving the planet and the community. Because the balance between imagination and preservation, memory of the past and vision of the future depends on their work. It is with this spirit that Domus welcomes 2023 by calling not one but two architects – Steven Holl and Toshiko Mori – to its scientific leadership. A “couple-not couple,” as Editoriale Domus President Giovanna Mazzocchi Bordone called it, who will be the first duo to hold the scientific directorship in the history of the magazine founded back in 1928 by Gio Ponti and Gianni Mazzocchi. And who hails Toshiko Mori as the first woman to board the deck of an idea that for ninety-five years has brought the world to Milan and from Milan imagines the world” - read here the full article.


Magazine: Domus 

Country: Italy 

Issue: 1074  

Article: Two Domus guest editors in 2023, a turning point year 

Author: Walter Mariotti 

Photo: Ramak Fazel for Domus 

30 December 2022