
The focus is back on the office

The focus is back on the office

The German trade magazine AIT analyses the return to work and the new relationship between workers and the physical office. It features a number of business projects that have got to grips with the post-pandemic changes.

With the return to post-Covid work routines, companies also need to balance the new personal and business freedoms. To this end, the German trade magazine AIT has devoted its October issue to focusing on businesses that are implementing new strategies and office arrangements geared to facilitating their employees’ return to work. Mark Phillips and Angelika Donhauser discuss this in their article The Third Place. AIT reports that an important discovery has already been made - workspaces must put their staff first, providing them with a means of communicating, interacting and relaxing, and features a selection of people-centred office projects. Plants, fabrics and colours can all help create identities and play an important role for individuals.  The magazine doesn’t stop at the return to work, it also deals with the return to school! One noteworthy initiative is one that AIT itself brought in six years ago, offering new students of interior design and architecture and recent graduates a free, six-month subscription to the magazine. This issue explores the new post-pandemic working arrangements.

From an editorial by Petra Stephan


Photo: courtesy of AIT

Magazine: AIT

Publisher: Verlagsanstalt Alexander Koch GmbH

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19 October 2021