Nicoletta Fontana, in 2002 the first woman to lead Assobagno

Photo David Becker
A chat about “how we were”, together with Nicoletta Fontana, founder and CEO of Regia srl, a company established in 1988. In addition to having been twice president of Assobagno, Nicoletta was made a Cavaliere del Lavoro (the highest Italian honor for service to industry) for the Furniture Industry
On the occasion of Assobagno's 20 years, an anniversary celebrated as part of the association's annual assembly, we interviewed Nicoletta Fontana, who was present at the event together with the other past presidents Gianluca Marvelli, Mauro Guzzini and Paolo Pastorino. Initiatives, insights and entrepreneurial choices of a dynamic professional.
In the beginning we had a federation called Federbagnoclima, which brought together companies in the technical and aesthetic sector. We didn't come under the umbrella of Confindustria at the time, then the director of FederlegnoArredo came and asked me if it was in our interest to become another of the associations in FLA. From that time on there was a sort of revolution and the bathroom finally had its own dignity: it would not be concealed but its value showcased.
We were part of the technical sector or we were exhibited at Cersaie with the tiles. We had no identity of our own, and it was difficult to find even the signage with the directions. The fact that FederlegnoArredo contacted us led us to be part of their world. We were very interested in this matter, but we wanted to get the bathroom sector into the Salone del Mobile. We had also tried holding an exhibition, all together, and it attracted visitors and aroused a great show of interest. It wasn't so easy, but when the time came we managed it.
When you’re president of an association headed by FederlegnoArredo, you become vice-president. I was president of Assobagno and then, not immediately, the way was opened to the Salone del Mobile, of which I was a member. They then chose me as a representative of Confindustria. I'll be frank: at the time they were also looking for women, so from there on it was an easy step.
In my whole working career I’ve never felt the weight of being a woman, even when I called on clients for the company. I never had problems.

Assobagno assembly 2022, credits Francesco Rucci, courtesy FederlegnoArredo
Rather than how it has changed, let’s talk about how it arrived, because it wasn’t there before. It has changed because previously in bathrooms there was the classic chrome-plated brass accessories that perhaps came from Germany. No color, no design. The furniture was what is now the cabinet in a third bathroom. When I started there was nothing at all. First came the accessories, then the taps, which used to be square. Then the bathroom changed and from scratch we’ve shot to the zenith. Today there’s so much product that sometimes it’s not even necessary.
At first I worked in a company where I had seen the creation of Cucciolo, a toilet brush holder (designed by Makio Hasuike ed). A technical object, a chromed tube. It was one of the first designer objects for the bathroom, where before there was nothing. Then there was a whole rush of them. Then everything changed slowly: taps, sanitary ware, towel warmers. I saw a huge change, from product for needs to all the accessories.
I have seen it change slowly in a sort of evolution. My impression is that the Salone, especially the SaloneSatellite has done a lot. The Salone gave a nice boost to the youngest.
More than a message, it’s an invitation: surround yourself with beauty, because it’s important to choose between a design product and a non-design product. Surrounding ourselves with beauty helps us to see life in a less difficult way. Mine is a courteous invitation: at least let's make the home beautiful. Favor design products. There are companies that have invested a lot in design. Let’s give a good response to these companies that have chosen to have professionals design for them, since they see and create things in a different way. Let’s give them a reason to choose. Today it’s essential to invest in design.

Assobagno assembly 2022, credits Francesco Rucci, courtesy FederlegnoArredo