Elisa Carassai is a writer, copywriter and editorial strategist born and grew up in Milan, specialised in fashion, design and culture, who currently collaborates with brands, creative agencies and publications. She moved to London in September 2014 for a year of training at the Condè Nast College of Fashion and Design and to study fashion journalism at the London College of Fashion. Since then, some of her articles have appeared in Vogue Italia, Zero.eu, Cabana Magazine, NowFashion.com, British Vogue, Wallpaper * Magazine, Living - the design magazine of Corriere Della Sera -, Twin Magazine, OnOffice Magazine and Collectible DRY. In 2019 she founded the independent magazine Sali e Tabacchi Journal together with Leonardo Pellegrino, art director. She currently holds a journalism seminar at the IED and has been a guest of the Design Academy of Eindhoven, of NABA, of SUPSI and of the Politecnico di Milano.