Massimo Curzi



(1966) Curzi was born in Pavia and studied architecture at Milan’s Polytechnic under Michael Alder and Maurizio Vogliazzo becoming the latter’s assistant in 1993 In 1994 he opened his own professional studio in Pavia In 1995 he met A G Fronzoni and became his student, collaborator, assistant and friend. Since 1998 he has been a contract professor at Milan’s Polytechnic In 2000 he became assistant to Peter Zumthor with whom he taught for two years at the Mendrisio Academy From 2001 to 2016 he held an Architectural Design Workshop at Milan’s Polytechnic, working with Bruno Vaerini and Alberto Garutti.

He worked on Nicola Di Battista’s new Domus from 2013 to 2017 Since February 2019 he has been part of the editorial staff at Casabella magazine, directed by Francesco Dal Co He lives in Milan, and works in Milan and Pavia.