Maurizio Nanucci



(Florence 1939) Nannucci lives and works in Florence and in South Baden, Germany) He belongs to the most inventively experimental artists of the last decades. Since the mid sixties he devotes himself to exploring the multifaceted interrelations between language, writing and visual images, drawing on concepts and linguistic ideas and employing a wide variety of media, including photography, video, artist‘s books, editions, sound installations. On the search of artistic answers to a world in continuous change, he has developed an interdisciplinary approach of art practices which opened up a network of cooperations in the fields of art, architecture, poetry In addition to language he is keenly interested in colour in all its manifestations. 

As early as 1967 he began to create first neon “ adding a further dimension of meaning and sensual appeal to his work With colourful lighted installations the artist place word images in a fluid circuit that flows between colour, sign and meaning. The artist uses coloured glass tubes and neon light which have the effect of sharpening visual perception. The variety of luminous configurations motivates the viewer to see and to interpretate language as well as the spatial context in a new way. Documenting his linguistic research and colour experiences Nannucci collects continuously his own writing in the work in progress “ 1967 2011 From 1974 to 1985 he promoted the activities of the Zona no profit art space in Firenze and in 1998 is a co founder of Base, progetti per l’arte Nannucci has created Zona Archives, Recorthings and Exempla editions, curating several exhibitions in museums and public institutions In the early Nineties Nannucci started to collaborate with architects as Fritz Auer, Mario Botta Stephan Braunfels, Massimiliano Fuksas, Nicholas Grimshaw, Renzo Piano, and realized several projects for public buildings. He has participated several times in the Venice Biennale, at the Documenta Kassel, and in the Biennals of Sao Paulo, Sydney, Istanbul and Valencia his works have been shown in over four hundred museums and gallery exhibitions. His work is part of collections worldwide, including Fondazione Guggenheim, Venice Staedtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus Munich Berliner Museen Berlin Centre George Pompidou, Paris MoMA, New York Kunstsammlung des Deutschen Bundestages Berlin Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Cnap Paris Maxxi Roma Palazzo delle Scintille CityLife, Milano Palazzo della Pilotta Parma.