Casalgrande Padana

Casalgrande Padana - pavimenti e rivestimenti in gres porcellanato

Casalgrande Padana has been manufacturing cutting-edge ceramic tiles for 60 years:innovative and environment-friendly solutions for the creation of coatings, floors and coatings capable of responding to any creative and technological requirement.

A video clip to describe the ideas, the history, the projects and the technologies that turned Casalgrande Padana into the organisation it is today both in Italy and in the world. Find out our own way to tell everyone who we are and how we succeeded in becoming a leading tile-making company.

Casalgrande Padana has been manufacturing cutting-edge ceramic tiles for 60 years:innovative and environment-friendly solutions for the creation of coatings, floors and coatings capable of responding to any creative and technological requirement of the world of architecture and design.

Casalgrande Padana adopts an industrial policy that is powerfully focussed on technological innovation and environmental sustainability.The Company is intensively engaged in research and experimentation for continuous product improvement in terms of appearance and performance. All its manufacturing, research and innovation take place in 100% Italian-based plants and laboratories.

Every stage in the process is constantly monitored: from the selection of the raw materials to storage; from the grinding of the blend to the mixing and cooking of the tiles; from the manufacturing process to quality control on the end products; from unfailing technical training to effective professional assistance, evidence of the Company’s efforts to improve its manufacturing processes and pursue the highest standards ever.

Solutions, not products

Entirely made of natural raw materials, Casalgrande Padana’s stoneware is manufactured through a closed-circuit process that stands out for an extremely low environmental impact. The Company’s ceramic products go far beyond the usual products you can find on the market, as they are fit for any purpose or type of building.

However, Casalgrande Padana is not just a supplier, it gives pride of place to service and design consulting, with the highest executive and architectural standards in mind.

Approximately 80% of Casalgrande Padana's production is currently devoted to unglazed porcelain stoneware, a high-performing versatile material with excellent technical characteristics and superior aesthetic quality. Casalgrande Padana was an internationally forerunner in developing this special kind of finish, playing an important role in the material proving suitable to a wide range of architectural uses.

The figures:

- 6 factories at the heart of the world’s most important ceramic district

- 80% of production accounted for by unglazed stoneware tiles

- 700.000 square metres of industrial sites

- 24 milions square metres of stoneware tiles a year, all made in Italy

- 1000 employees our dedication to growth and innovation is not only for our clients, but also for our employees

- 70 countries in 5 continents, served by its widespread sales network


Casalgrande Padana

Casalgrande Padana - porcelain stoneware tiles

Casalgrande Padana

Casalgrande Padana - porcelain stoneware tiles

Casalgrande Ceramic Cloud

Casalgrande Padana - porcelain stoneware tiles

Casalgrande Padana

Casalgrande Padana - porcelain stoneware tiles

Casalgrande Padana

Casalgrande Ceramic Crown

Salone del mobile Salone del mobile