Imperfettolab develops its own language in the world of design: a collection with a natural and illusory appearance, an interpretation of the synthesis of nature and artifice. Objects which are destined to last in time, material and identity.
Imperfettolab’s collection unfolds in a dateless timeline, it claims its solid undefined identity, it speaks with an alphabet of archetypal forms such as trunks, pebbles, bubbles, shells, cavities, spheres, bulbs or rocks. The material mastered with skill and knowledge, acquired over more than twenty years, is mainly ibreglass. Furnishing elements – tables, benches, bookcases, poufs, lounge chairs, lamps and accessories – which seldom possess the gift of “pleasantness” in the banal sense of the term. Free of hypocrisy, they have the stubborn ethics of white or black; at most, they are granted a metallic shimmer or upholstery chosen in the archives of old textiles. Curvilinear and sinuous, they all obey gigantism, always causing an emotional reaction. In the process of making, the original intuition is modelled or sculpted in full-scale by skilful hands, giving life to a model that then, through a mould, transfers to its multiples the characters of form and substance. In the manufacturing sequence the careful and meticulous hand finishing, different for each kind of object, allows all elements to acquire identity and uniqueness. The dimension of Imperfettolab, thanks to over twenty years of symbiosis between the artist designer sculptor Verter Turroni and his complementary alter ego Emanuela Ravelli, seems to want to portray, with the sweetness and beauty of the contradiction of art, the battle between “nature” and “technè”, between natural and artificial, without it mattering who the winner is. The result is objects which are destined to last in time, material and identity.