Antoniolupi INTRODUCES


Category: Washbasins

Anima Liquida, designed by Giorgio Rava

Anima Liquida, designed by Giorgio Rava

Bring the daily bathing ritual back to its ancestral value

Stone and water. These are the only elements that make up Anima Liquida, the new antoniolupi freestanding sink signed by Giorgio Rava. A sculpture sink made entirely of natural stone, where even the traditional tap disappears to become a cylindrical stone command. A progressive and silent function that restores all its primordial power to water.

As lymph through the body, water carves the stone, bearer of life”, tells Giorgio Rava. “Anima Liquida is a reflection on water and man that takes us back to the origins of life to remind us of what we are made of. It is meant to free water from the yoke of technology and from the many devices that determine its performance, witnesses to the blind human ambition to dominate elements”.

The result is a stone column that recalls the archetype of the baptismal font. A project designed primarily to stimulate reflection on life and man's relationship with water. To bring the daily bathing ritual back to its ancestral value and thus rediscover a connection with our most authentic side.

The antoniolupi natural stone sink

With Anima Liquida a new chapter is added to the research on materials conducted by antoniolupi. After reinventing marble and cork and developing new materials, such as Flumood, Cristalmood and Colormood, antoniolupi designs another sink in natural stone. A choice that confirms that the Tuscan company has an unstoppable disposition for experimentation. But also, a confirmation of antoniolupi's attention to the environment.

The sink Anima Liquida is made entirely of Ceppo di Grè, a resistant and durable grey stone typical of Lombard architecture.

Giorgio Rava's Anima Liquida project is not only made up of the freestanding sink. The collection also includes floors and walls also made of Ceppo di Grè. An important novelty that marks antoniolupi's entry into the world of coatings, further strengthening its sartorial identity. Under the banner of that total look that has always distinguished the Tuscan company.

Designed by
Giorgio Rava