Open talks at supersalone On Water thank you, we are waiting for you at the event Visit the agenda in your reserved area to find the events you have shown interest in. We are sorry that you will not be attending the event We have removed the event from your agenda, you can always add it back later September 8 th 2021 12:00 - 13:00 (CET) I want to participate Details Speakers Pavilion 4 - Arena Water as a multisensory experience: from Giorgetto Giugiaro’s glass bottle to the latest 100% recycled and recyclable plastic version. Antonio Biella Antonio Biella, General Manager of Acqua S.Bernardo since 2015, helms the brand in Italy and in the new European and global markets. An innovative flexible development strategy has seen the long-established mineral water company reprise its starring role on Italian and cosmopolitan tables. Add to bookmarks I want to partecipate Speaker Edoardo Ceriani Edoardo Ceriani, aged 56, a professional journalist from Como since 1991, sports editor in chief of La Provincia. Add to bookmarks I want to partecipate Moderator
Antonio Biella Antonio Biella, General Manager of Acqua S.Bernardo since 2015, helms the brand in Italy and in the new European and global markets. An innovative flexible development strategy has seen the long-established mineral water company reprise its starring role on Italian and cosmopolitan tables. Add to bookmarks I want to partecipate Speaker Edoardo Ceriani Edoardo Ceriani, aged 56, a professional journalist from Como since 1991, sports editor in chief of La Provincia. Add to bookmarks I want to partecipate Moderator
Antonio Biella Antonio Biella, General Manager of Acqua S.Bernardo since 2015, helms the brand in Italy and in the new European and global markets. An innovative flexible development strategy has seen the long-established mineral water company reprise its starring role on Italian and cosmopolitan tables. Add to bookmarks I want to partecipate
Edoardo Ceriani Edoardo Ceriani, aged 56, a professional journalist from Como since 1991, sports editor in chief of La Provincia. Add to bookmarks I want to partecipate