Category: Seating
Amongst Vincent van Gogh’s various paintings, there are a number that feature chairs. Simple, solid, traditional chairs of type that, more than a century ago, could be found in every country house. The Vincent v. G. is inspired by these, a collection designed by Werther Toffoloni that brings together ancient and modern, solidity and lightness, art and design.
Werther Toffoloni was born in Udine in 1930. After having studied in Venice, he taught industrial design and quickly started working in various design sectors and as an artistic consultant. He was quite prolific and undoubtedly a major player in Italian industrial design. Creativity, a thorough knowledge of materials, and a great eye for functionality were the hallmarks of his corpus of work. He died in 2017, at the age of 86.
Werther Toffoloni